A world renowned 35th generation Shaolin Kung Fu Grand Master, Doctor of Chiropractic, aerospace engineer, noted speaker and author, Dr Yuen is acknowledged as one of the world’s foremost authorities on martial and, what was once recognized as the healing arts. He has concluded that healing slows down the process of recovery back to normal and does not allow one to improve better and go beyond normal.
He realized and recognized at an early age that he and anyone could, if intuition is activated, sense weaknesses in others to be used against them or strengthen to benefit them and ones self. Such perception must be complete, consistent and quick, not incomplete, inconsistent and slow!
Weaknesses can be perceived anywhere from the level of quantum particles to the level of the overall body structure. Just being able to perceive weaknesses in precisely the exact level, and then listing them in the proper sequence, activates the resolutions instantly.
By the triadic influences of the martial arts, chiropractics clinical results, and the latest engineering and computer science, he formed the effectiveness of Yuen Method that has become beyond repute.
The Yuen Method has assisted, never ever helped. From the Yuen Method experience, Dr. Yuen concludes that the word “help” triggers the opposite of helplessness, making a person always thinks they needs help and produces dependency.
This method has unconditionally improved hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life, from all cultures and all places in the world. It consistently takes the seriousness out all serious situations in life. It reduces and resolves all the fears, phobias, emotions, effects of karmas etc out of life. The ailing person and situations will immediately restore to a clean slate, not troubled by the accumulative effects of the past. past. It can also change and predetermine yours and everyone’s future in spite of the conventional and obsolete restricted human philosophies.
The Yuen Method is not a concept. It is not healing, curing or treating any sickness, illness, disease or injury. Nevertheless, it reduces the seriousness of them all in a matter of seconds without touch, verbalization or explanation, to assist the physical intelligence of your central nervous system to automatically resolve problems until you don’t have any.
Attendees of the Yuen Method lectures, which have been in the thousands, tele presentations and webinars, radio and television audiences globally have received similar benefits and improvements beyond their expectations.
The complexity of achieving and restoring wellness has been simplified by the Yuen Method to ensure that everyone with experiences exposed to it can use it, as easy as using your newest phone or laptop.
No study is required unless you choose to. Reading, hearing, attending and experiencing Dr. Yuen’s live and recorded teleseminars is sufficient.