Delete on the Spot™ Your Stress & Pain ...

Nils Krisemendt - Certified Consultant


Geboren mit einer Vorliebe für Freiheit im Jahr 1989 lernte ich nur etwa 6 Jahre darauf erste Techniken im Bereich der Energie Medizin. Bestätigt durch die Erfahrung meinen Herzschlag spontan Verdoppeln zu können verliebte ich mich für Jahre in einen Weg körperlicher Ertüchtigung, gewillt Grenzen herauszufordern. Heute schöpfe ich aus der Fülle an Informationen mit der ich beschenkt bin um mein gesamtes Potential zu reflektieren. Den glücklichen Vorteil das Leben leichter zu meistern teile ich mit Klienten in meinen Sitzungen.


Born with a passion of freedom in 1989 I learned my first steps in energy medicine just about 6 years later. Affirmed by the experience of being able to double my heart rate instantly I fell in love with physical toughening, willing to challenge my limits. Nowadays I scoop from the fullness of information I am presented with to reflect my whole potential. I share the lucky benefit of mastering life easier with clients in my sessions.


Nils Krisemendt
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"Delete Stress and Pain on the Spot"
#1 Best Seller In 5 Countries -
Amazon - January 2015 
Delete Your Stress & Pain
on the Spot!
We Will Demonstrate How Easy It Is To Delete Pain & Stress on the Spot using the Yuen Method's Advanced Techniques!
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Each Instructor and Consultant is an independent contractor and is not an employee or agent of Morgan Marlon, LLC (“MM”), the owners of the Yuen Method®, Metodo Yuen™ and Delete on the Spot™ trademarks and services, or of Dr. Kam Yuen (“Yuen”). Neither MM nor Yuen shall have any liability for any of your claims, losses, causes of action, attorneys fees, damages, liabilities, costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with any act or omission of your Instructor or Consultant or anyone acting on his or her behalf. No Instructor or Consultant has the right or authority to assume or create any obligation or duty or to make any representation, warranty, agreement or commitment on behalf of MM or Yuen, whether express or implied.
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